2025 2nd International Conference on Advanced Image Processing Technology (AIPT 2025)
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- About Guangzhou -

摄图网_501800752_banner_蓝天白云下的广东广州小蛮腰(企业商用).jpgBeing an excellent port on the Pearl River navigable to the South China Sea, and with fast accessibility to Hong Kong and Macau, the city serves as the political, economic, scientific, educational and cultural center in Guangdong area. Being the first cities benefited from the Reform and Opening Up policy since 1978, the city acts as the pioneer of the economic development of the country, with numerous enterprises, which offer many job opportunities and make the city a heavily populated area. Guangzhou is especially prosperous in commerce, tourism, dining, finance and real estate. For travelers, the city shows much attraction through its famous sights such as the Five Ram Statue in Yuexiu Park, Pearl River and White Cloud Mountain.